Breaking through the glass ceiling: meritocracy steps for women's civil service careers

Anamira Suryani(1*), Niluh Putu Evvy Rossanti(2), Harnida Wahyuni Adda(3),

(1) University of Tadulako
(2) University of Tadulako
(3) University of Tadulako
(*) Corresponding Author


This study investigates the challenges posed by the glass ceiling and the implementation of meritocracy for female civil servants (in Palu City, aiming to identify strategies for enhancing career progression. Employing a constructivist research paradigm with a qualitative approach, data were gathered through interviews including the Mayor, City Secretary, BKPSDMD Head, and representatives from various departments within the Palu City Government. Analysis was conducted using triangulation techniques aided by NVIVO 14 software. Findings reveal that the glass ceiling manifests as conflicts in work-life balance, limited decision-making authority, and entrenched gender biases, hindering women's career advancements. Nonetheless, it also serves as motivation for female civil servants to assertively engage in career development. Overcoming these obstacles demands exceptional resilience, perseverance, and a composed demeanor in facing challenges. The glass ceiling can stimulate proactive measures toward career success among women. Conversely, a fair and transparent meritocracy system emerges as a viable solution to mitigate the glass ceiling's effects. This entails implementing mentoring, coaching, training, and educational initiatives addressing women-specific workplace challenges such as time management, salary negotiations, and work-life equilibrium.


glass ceiling; meritocracy; women's careers; gender stereotypes

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Naguib, R., & Madeeha, M. (2023). “Making visible the invisible”: Exploring the role of gender biases on the glass ceiling in Qatar’s public sector. Women’s Studies International Forum, 98, 102723.

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Ng, E. S., & McGowan, R. A. (2023). Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Views of Women from the Second-Wave Feminist Movement. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 40(2), 173–187.

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Prajuli, W. A., Yustikaningrum, R. V., & Amurwanti, D. N. (2021). How gender socialization is improving women’s representation in Indonesia’s Foreign affairs: breaking the ceiling. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 75(5), 527–545.

Sealy, R. (2010). Changing perceptions of meritocracy in senior women’s careers. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 25(3), 184–197.

Solt, F., Hu, Y., Hudson, K., Song, J., & Yu, D. E. (2016). Economic inequality and belief in meritocracy in the United States. Research and Politics, 3(4), 2053168016672101.

Sunaryo, S., Rahardian, R., Risgiyanti, Suyono, J., & Usman, I. (2021). Gender Discrimination and Unfair Treatment: Investigation of The Perceived Glass Ceiling and Women Reactions in The Workplace – Evidence from Indonesia. International Journal of Economics and Management, 15(2), 297–313.

Suzuki, K., & Hur, H. (2022). Revisiting the old debate: citizens’ perceptions of meritocracy in public and private organizations. Public Management Review, 24(8), 1226–1250.

Taparia, M., & Lenka, U. (2022). An integrated conceptual framework of the glass ceiling effect. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness, 9(3), 372–400.


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