Emotional intelligence and behavioral biases on millennial stock trading decisions: a case study of Bibit investors

Arista Widya Rahman(1), Nindi Vaulia Puspita(2*), Kartika Yuliari(3),

(1) Universitas Kadiri
(2) Universitas Kadiri
(3) Universitas Kadiri
(*) Corresponding Author


This research explores the relationship between Em otional Intelligence (EI) and Behavioral Bias with Decision-Making Processes in Stock Trading among Millennial Investors. Data were collected through an online survey of 100 investors using the Bibit platform and analyzed using multiple linear regression and SPSS statistical software. The research findings indicate that Emotional Intelligence and Behavioral Bias significantly influence stock trading decisions, with a determination coefficient reaching 76%. This underscores the importance of understanding psychological factors in investment decision-making among the millennial generation. Therefore, raising awareness of Emotional Intelligence and mitigating Behavioral Bias can enhance the quality of stock trading decisions among millennials in the stock market, thereby contributing to long-term financial success


Emotional intelligence, millennial generation, behavioral bias, stock trading.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24123/mabis.v23i2.801

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