Capital structure mediates the relationship of institutional ownership, asset structure, and company growth to the value of manufacturing companies
(1) Universitas Negeri Malang
(2) Universitas Negeri Malang
(*) Corresponding Author
The rise and fall of a company's value is described by the stock price. Manufacturing companies support economic growth and provide jobs in the uncertainty of the world economy. Investors will be attracted by the company's continued optimal value. The use of analysis with quantitative approaches and explanatory methods. Manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange are made objects of population. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the function of capital structure as a mediating variable and the relationship between institutional ownership, asset structure, company growth, and company value. Quantitative research method using path analysis and Sobel test methods. research tool using eviews 12 Purposive sampling was used to determine the sample using several criteria. A total of 71 manufacturing companies that met the criteria with observations for 4 years, obtained a sample of 278.The results showed that company growth, asset structure, and institutional ownership did not affect company value, but capital structure significantly affected company value. Capital structure is strongly influenced by institutional ownership and company growth. However, it is not affected by the structure of the asset. Capital structure can mediate institutional ownership and a company's growth against company value. However, it cannot mediate the asset structure against the value of the company.
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