The effect of high organizational commitment on increasing employee performance

Shinta Oktafien(1*), Anton Budi Santoso(2),

(1) Widyatama University Indonesia
(2) Widyatama University
(*) Corresponding Author


This research was conducted with the aim of determining the effect of organizational commitment on improving employee performance at PT. XXX. The population and sample in this study are employees who work at the company with a total of 52 employees. Because the sample taken has the same number as the population, the sampling technique used, namely the census method or saturated sampling, is a sampling technique used when all members of the population are used as samples. This research belongs to the type of causal associative research with the aim of looking for a relationship between one variable and another. Meanwhile, the data processing and analysis techniques were carried out through the following steps: descriptive statistics, research instrument testing (validity test, reliability test, and classic assumption test), multiple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing (t and F tests) which calculated using SPSS version 23.0. Based on the research results it is known that organizational commitment has a significant effect on improving employee performance at PT. XXX. That way, it can be said that the stronger a person is to remain and show loyalty to his organization, the more accomplished that person will be at work.


Performance; Organizational Performance; Work Environment

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